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Hagymatikum Bath Mako

Outdoor pool Mako
Hagymatikum Bath Mako


Str. Vecz Tér. Nr. 6

46.215921, 20.473408

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Why is so special Hagymatikum Bath Mako:
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Presentation - Hagymatikum Bath Mako

Hagymatikum - The Bath of baths

Spectacular view on the inside and on the outside

Based on the projects of the architect Makovecz Imre, laureate of the Kossuth prize, and using resources obtained through tenders, the baths were extended in January 2012 with a complex of facilities, unique in Europe, currently awaiting guests with a therapy section offering a wide range of services, a wellness section and a family section. The building with a base area of about ​​10,000 square meters offers guests a choice of 18 different leisure and therapy pools.

The key to healing - thermal water and Makó therapeutic mud

Due to the unique combination of thermal water and Makó therapeutic mud, the services offered by the therapeutic section help fight many diseases of patients arriving in our resort. Our thermal waters are indicated for the treatment of joint illnesses and spine disorders caused by wear and tear, arthritis, neuritis, neuralgia and for healing peripheral nerve paralysis and muscle atrophy.

Due to its ideal granular composition and the beneficial properties of its volatile substances, Makó mud is an excellent cure for rheumatic diseases of motor organs, but can be also applied successfully to treat sciatic diseases and limbs fractures and to heal chronic inflammatory gynaecological conditions.

Therapeutic Treatments

We are waiting for our guests seeking to improve their health with a broad range of therapeutic services, reimbursed by the health insurance fund.

  • Pool baths

  • Mud therapy

  • Traction bath therapy

  • Medicinal therapeutic massage

  • Underwater jet massage

  • Carbonic acid baths

  • Complex medical treatment

  • Group swimming therapy for persons under 18 years old

  • Group underwater medical gymnastics

Treatments may also be requested at the market price. We offer electro-therapeutic procedures and ultrasound treatments as well.

Wellness treatments for total relaxation

You can enjoy wellness massage and therapeutic services in places with a special atmosphere benefiting all senses. You can also choose special treatments that use lemon, orange and wild strawberries.

  • Swedish massage

  • Anti cellulite massage

  • Massage with medicinal herbal preparations

  • Massage with aromatic preparations

  • Lava stones massage

  • Soles massage

  • Bioptron treatment

  • Sound therapy

We offer our guests beauty treatments and relaxation sessions in a separate section providing services for this purpose.

Meet our Sauna World

While enjoying the sauna, you can revel in the diving pool, the ice dispenser, the recreational shower, or the tub shower.

  • Aromatherapy sauna

  • Medicinal herbs sauna

  • Steam cab

  • Chromotherapy sauna

  • Intimate sauna

  • Makó sauna

  • Alföldi sauna

  • The saunas offer is supplemented with a new type of sauna, starting with May 1st, and guests can also use the outdoor Kelo sauna.

HagyManó Children’s Kingdom

The little ones can play carefree in the Sherwoodian play box, the waterslide pool or the splashing pool. Mothers may care for their babies in the intimate atmosphere of the spaces specially designed for this purpose.

Hagy Mamma Home Tastes

The Baths restaurant awaits you with local specialties similar to homemade preparations. The Hagy Mamma range of home tastes includes vegetable-based meals, cabbage rolls, salads and the favourite HagyManó meals.

In Nyugati Bar, the guests who are using the sauna or playing cards or billiards in the games room are accommodated with fruit cocktails, beer, sandwiches and tasty cakes.

And that's not all: in the Tőlem-Neked gift shop, visitors can choose from the Makó original local specialties and design bathroom souvenirs.


Makói Gyógyfürdő Kft.

H – 6900 Makó, Makovecz tér 6.
no.: +36 62/511-220

[email protected]

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ela silva
Mature couple June 17 2013, 11:19 Timisoara, romania
datorita faptului ca vin foarte multi romani,nu s-a gindit nimeni sa puna un program de functionare in limba romana !! nu stii pentru ce varianta de bilet sa optezi,de altfel si chioscurile din strand la capitolul servicii lasa de dorit!La intrare, am inteles ulterior ca ,trebuie sa primesti SI biletul ce face dovada platii intrarii,pe linga banda cu cip,ceea ce nu am primit!!!!!!comparativ cu alte tari pretul biletului de intrare mi se pare ridicat,bineinteles comparind serviciile oferite! constructia fiind noua ,cu igiena cred ca e ok  
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