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The Sunset Hotels Bucharest

Hotel Bucharest
The Sunset Hotels Bucharest


Sector 6,, B-Dul Iuliu Maniu Nr. 594

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320 RON


Presentation - The Sunset Hotels Bucharest

Accomodation type: Hotel Bucharest

Category: 3 STARS

City: accomodation Bucharest

County: accomodation Bucharest

Zone: accomodation

Total Rooms: 0

Total Beds: 0

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Opened in 2003, SUNSET*** Hotel in Bucharest welcomes you in a modern building next to the Bucharest-Pitesti highway. All guests of Sunset  Hotel arriving as tourists or with business affairs positively appreciate the quality and variety of the offered services, the pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. In 2005 a system of quality management has been introduced according to the ISO 9001 standards for accommodation services.


Sunset Hotel provides 23 double rooms and three flats, at international standards, for its guests. The rooms are equipped with private bathroom, telephone (international line), wi-fi Internet, color TV, radio, mini-bar, air- conditioning. At request, it can be offered special rooms for non-smokers.


Situated on the ground-floor of the building, the restaurant (recommended capacity of 80 seats), offers you various menu from Romanian and international cuisine. At your request Sunset restaurant organizes business meetings and festive events.

The spacious bar from the main lounge offers you a carefully selected variety of fine drinks in a modern and friendly atmosphere.

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