Ceahlau National Park with access from Durău
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Reserve Location: The park lies in the center of Ceahlau massive located in north-central part of the Eastern Carpathians. The park lies in Neamt county.
Park area: 7742 hectares.
Access: from Durau (Ceahlau village) and village Spring Mountain. In Durau resort can be reached from Toplita (on DN15), Bicaz, along the lake Spring Mountain (DN15 or on the road on the right bank), or Tg. Neamt (on DN15B).
Administrative office:
Durau, Com. Ceahlau, Jud. German,
tel / fax: 0233/256 600
e-mail: [email protected]
Information and Documentation Centre Durau
Administrator: Neamt County Council.
Outstanding natural elements: the importance of this park is on the richness of flora and fauna, the beautiful landscape of the area to high. Floristic inventory shows that nearly a quarter of Romania's flora is found in Ceahlau. In the park, the higher plants are represented by more than 1,100 species, of which 62 are endemic taxa of flora Ceahlaului the Carpathians. Among endemic and endemic are: Omag (Aconltum moldavicum, A. lasiathum), Ranunculus carpaticus, liverwort (Hepatica transsilvanica), censer (Campanula Carpatica) ciuboflca bump (Primula Eliat ssp. Leucophylla), Centaurea pinnatifida. Among the protected species is edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum), sweet pea (Nightella rubra, Nightella nigra), lady's slipper (Cyphpedium claceolus), yew (Taxus baccata) loricele (Larix decldua ssp. Carpatica) etc. The vegetation is very varied, representative being the rocks, especially the population of natural larch or lance - Larix decldua ssp. Carpatica - that was the reason to declare, since 1955 the reserve "Policy lily" - "Lily" is the name local larch trees. In turn, vertebrates and fauna is diverse. Identified over 50 species of birds: macaleandrul Erithacus rubecula), thrushes (Turdus philemelos and T. visclvorus), middle (Sitta europaeus), tufted titmouse (Parus status), Auşel (Regulus) - the smallest bird in the country our big as a walnut! - Brumaire Forest (Prunella modularis), spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina). Among mammals, stands relief glacial Carpathians chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), colonized in 1970 in the tough and the river Fractures, making sure I was initially living conditions free and propagating the ridges wild Piatra Ciobanului and Duruitoarea. Can be met, of course, and stag (Cervus elaphus var. Carpathia-cus), the most valuable species of Ceahlaului. Among carnivores are found: the lynx (Lynx lynx), wolf (Canis lupus), bear (Ursus arctos) and tree marten (Martes martes). Lives in humid forests of the Carpathian newt (Triturus montandoni), endemic of the Eastern Carpathians.
Access to the park:
Nearest airport: Suceava, leave.
Access points to the park: in Durau (Ceahlau village) and village Spring Mountain. In Durau resort can be reached from Toplita (DN 15) of Bicaz, along the lake Spring Mountain (DN15 or on the road on the right bank), or Tg. Neamt (on DN15B).
Attractions: The beauty of this massive hidden silences and wilds of the time when she had wandered paths monks, shepherds and creatures of the forest remains shrouded in mystery until today. Some of the exciting shore Romanian legends are related to rocks with bizarre shapes on the tourist encounters in many places. Here, it says, he would have run herself daughter Dacian king Decebal, Dochia, to escape the insistence of the powerful Roman emperor Trajan had conquered her beauty. Dochia is at the same time, a "baba" celebrated in March that here, on Ceahlau had come to graze sheep and cheats on sunny days of early spring, and would have stripped one by one 9 coats he wore. He caught a cold and, together with the sheep it, turned it first into the sheepfold ice, then in stone. the highest peak of this mountain is Toaca (1907 m), a place where it is said that Moldova would be the throne of the gods. And so, there are few scholars - among them Prince Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723), which left an interesting "Description of Moldova", written for the Academy in Berlin - which identified Ceahlaul with KOGAION, which he wrote himself geographer and historian Strabo, one of the titans of antiquity. KOGAION was the sacred mountain of the Dacians and he would have had the temple god Zamolxe, deity who tutored life and mores of these ancestors of the Romans. it searches until today this Kogaion, but he continues to be an enigma, shrouded in assumptions and, especially, in the imagination of those who hope to find him.
Some of the attractions within the park: Ocolasul plateau with Ocolasul Mare tip, top Chop and witnessed erosion - Cusma Dorobantului, Panagia, IUI Tower Budu etc. Also, the reservation "policy with Lilies" (370 ha), waterfall Duruitoarea, with an area of 1 hectare. Also, there is an area of scientific research, with an area of 5,830 ha, between complex Lespezi Schiop foot (west of Cabana Dochia) and chairs the Gods - Ocolasu Mare, south.
Hiking trails:
For travelers who want to try adventure Ceahlau dam and 5 trails, most important:
Bicaz - cottage Spring Mountain - Stone Water - Dochia hut (1750 m) - the red path (road car) to cottage Spring Mountain and blue point - blue tape to Dochia chalet (3-4 hours, from Spring Mountain) .
Black common - Varatec Poiana - Poiana Sisters - Ocolasul Mic - Dochia chalet; Blue Cross mark (6-7 hours).
Bicaz Ardelean - Curmatura Stanilelor - July gutter Voda - Dochia chalet; blue tape marking (7-8 hours).
Pintic common - Curmatura Pinticului - Bistra - Curmatura Stanilelor - gutter lui Voda - Dochia chalet; red and blue stripe triangle (7-8 hours).
Comuna Ceahlau - Durau resort - Poiana badger - Waterfall Duruitoarea (1,200 m) - Dochia chalet; marking red tape (7:00).
Activities allowed: in the park are allowed economic activities do not endanger the ecological balance: felled trees are picked only that blocks trails and grazing is continuously controlled and monitored.