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Restaurant Ambient Brasov (Kronstadt)

Restaurant Brasov (Kronstadt)
Restaurant Ambient Brasov (Kronstadt)

Brasov (Kronstadt)

Str. Aninoasa, Nr. 5

45.648807, 25.598136

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1.1 km

1.8 km

102.5 km

Warum ist so besonders Restaurant Ambient Brasov (Kronstadt):
+ zum Reiseplaner
Verfügbarkeit veraltet
7:00 - 7:00

Allgemeine Infos - Restaurant Ambient Brasov (Kronstadt)

Gastronomie-Typ: Restaurant Brasov (Kronstadt)

Küche: International

Einstufung: 3 STERNE

Ort: gastronomy Brasov (Kronstadt)

Bezirk: gastronomy Bezirk Brasov

Zone: gastronomy Siebenbürgen, gastronomy Burzenland

Kapazität: 70

\"There is no love sincerer than the love of food\" - George Bernard Shaw
How would you like to relish a sophisticated dinner with someone special or to impress your business partner with a lovely traditional meal?
Restaurant Ambient is waiting for you with its delicious dishes made to enchant your senses!
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